HEV = human enterovirus; HRVA, HRVB, and HRVC = human rhinovirus types A, B, and C

HEV = human enterovirus; HRVA, HRVB, and HRVC = human rhinovirus types A, B, and C. RV Analyses in Relation to sICAM-1, ECP, and IFN-1 in Nasal Washes Lower levels of sICAM-1 were detected in washes from children treated for wheezing compared with washes from the children with rhinitis, among those who tested positive or negative for RV (Physique 2). in washes from wheezing children was 2.8-fold lower, but did not differ significantly from children with rhinitis (7,718 and 21,612 copies of viral RNA per microliter nasal wash, respectively; = 0.48). The odds for wheezing were increased if children who tested positive for RV were sensitized to one or more allergens (odds ratio, 3.9; = 0.02). Similarly, neither peak nor cumulative viral loads differed significantly in washes from adults with asthma compared with those without asthma SSE15206 during the experimental RV challenge. Conclusions: NUFIP1 During acute symptoms, children infected with RV enrolled for wheezing or acute rhinitis had comparable viral loads in their nasal washes, as did adults with and without asthma infected with RV-16 experimentally. were not significantly different among children and adults with asthma compared to nonasthmatic individuals with acute rhinitis SSE15206 during infections with rhinovirus. Rhinoviruses (RVs) account for most virus-induced exacerbations of asthma among children and young adults (1C3). A wide diversity of RV genotypes cause recurrent infections that lead to attacks of wheezing that begin in infancy, and these early childhood episodes of wheeze with RV are associated with an increased risk for developing asthma as children grow older (4C7). After 3 years of age, RVs are associated with up to 70% of asthma exacerbations among children living in both temperate and tropical climates (2, 8, 9). The mechanisms underlying the role of RV in provoking these attacks remain poorly comprehended; however, it is SSE15206 clear that most children and adults who experience RV-induced exacerbations are atopic and have high titers of serum IgE antibody (Ab) to allergens, such as dust mite, which have been shown to significantly increase the risk of wheezing with RV (9C11). Using methods, several studies have demonstrated that this production of innate, antiviral type I and type III IFNs in bronchial epithelial cells from patients with asthma is usually reduced compared with levels secreted by cells from the lower airway of patients without asthma following contamination with RV (12, 13). This impaired antiviral response correlated inversely with increasing quantities of RV-RNA detected by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) in culture supernatants (12, 13). In two other studies, the secretion of innate IFNs from plasmacytoid dendritic cells in peripheral blood was significantly decreased in cells from subjects with asthma compared with those without after stimulation with influenza in one study, or RV in the other (14, 15). Additionally, the production of these cytokines correlated inversely with serum IgE levels or FcRI expression on plasmacytoid dendritic cells, and IgE cross-linking on plasmacytoid dendritic cells before stimulation with influenza or RV further diminished this innate response. Taken together, these observations suggest that people with SSE15206 asthma may be at risk for higher viral loads and symptoms affecting their respiratory tract during RV SSE15206 contamination. In the present study, we used two different study designs to compare viral loads among individuals with and without asthma during an RV contamination. These studies included the evaluation of (and test was used as the pivotal quantity for between-group hypothesis assessments. Experimental RV challenge study. Longitudinal continuous scaled outcome variables from the experimental challenge study were summarized by cumulative outcome values. The cumulative outcome values were analyzed by repeated steps analysis of variance. Between-group comparisons of the mean cumulative outcome values for the different stages of RV contamination were formulated by linear contrasts of the least squares means. Correlation.

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