Even though the total DNA concentration in micronuclei is at least as high as in macronuclei (26), the telomeric sequences of micronuclear chromosomes, although substantially larger, are consequently far less abundant

Even though the total DNA concentration in micronuclei is at least as high as in macronuclei (26), the telomeric sequences of micronuclear chromosomes, although substantially larger, are consequently far less abundant. of eukaryotic chromosomes. They protect the chromosome ends from recombination, from fusion, and from becoming mistaken as broken ends (1C3). Telomeric DNA consists of simple repeated DNA sequences ranging in size from 36 nucleotides in hypotrichous ciliates up to 50 kb in mammals. The 3-strand is usually G-rich and stretches on the complementary strand. It has been shown the G-rich overhang can adopt a variety of unusual DNA constructions (4), of which guanine-quadruplex DNA and t-loops are stable under physiological conditions (5C8). Parallel-stranded as well mainly because antiparallel-stranded guanine-quadruplex constructions have been biophysically and structurally analyzed in detail with synthetic oligonucleotides (6C11). It has been suggested that this structure is also involved in several cellular processes, including transcription and recombination, in addition to telomere function (12). However, direct evidence for this DNA structure has been lacking to date. Ciliated protozoa are a well-suited biological system to study telomere structure and function, and many important processes including telomere sequences and telomerase were first recognized in these cells (1C3). Hypotrichous ciliates, such as and in the absence of proteins, and the 3-telomeric overhang is definitely involved in this end-to-end aggregation (7, 17, 18). Studies of oligonucleotides based on the telomeric sequence led to the proposal that two overhangs could mediate end-to-end association by forming four-stranded conformations of two fold-back hairpins including quadruplex stems, stabilized by stacked layers of cyclically hydrogen-bonded guanine quartets (Fig. ?(Fig.1).1). It is now well established that DNA sequences with multiple guanine stretches can form inter- and intramolecular, parallel or antiparallel quadruplex assemblies (6C11). Open in a separate window Number 1 Telomeric guanine-quadruplex molecules. (telomeric DNA d(G4T4G4). (telomeric DNA can also adopt fold-back constructions as deduced in the presence of Na+ (by ribosome display (20, 21) single-chain antibody fragments (scFvs) specific for telomeric guanine-quadruplex DNA. The characterization of two scFvs, Sty3 and Sty49, by radioimmunoassay (RIA) using a wide range of competitors demonstrates the specificity of the antibody probes. telomeric sequence d(T4G4) arrayed inside a four-stranded assembly. Table 1 Dissociation constants of anti-guanine-quadruplex scFvs determined by inhibition BIAcore and definition of the minimal DNA epitope?bound macronuclei and micronuclei with these antibodies and display the macronucleus but not the micronucleus reacts with the HDAC11 quadruplex-specific antibody Sty49. Moreover, our results display the guanine-quadruplex structure is definitely resolved for replication and telomere elongation in the macronuclear replication band. Materials and Methods Preparation of the Guanine-Quadruplexes. For selection, we used the biotinylated telomeric sequence, denoted b-sty (5-TTTTTGGGGTTTTGGGGTTTTGGGGTTTTGGGG-3), in the parallel quadruplex conformation. Parallel and antiparallel quadruplex constructions of the sequences examined were prepared as explained (11, 22) and further purified to conformational homogeneity by gel filtration having a Superdex-75 column (Amersham Pharmacia). All DNA conformations were confirmed by CD spectroscopy using a Jasco 715 spectropolarimeter (11, 23). Selection by Ribosome Display. The Human being Combinatorial Antibody Library (19) and the C-terminal spacer derived from TonB were assembled as explained (21). Ribosome display was carried out using the protocol developed in our laboratory (20, 21). Six cycles of ribosome display were performed using 75 nM oligonucleotide b-sty as the antigen. Test of the Swimming pools and Solitary scFvs by RIA. Neutravidin-coated microtiter plates were incubated with 20 pmol of b-sty for 30 min with mild shaking at 25C. After washing with PBS (20 mM sodium phosphate/150 mM NaCl, pH 7.4), the wells were blocked for 2 h with 4% milk powder in PBS. For RIA, 1 g of DNA (plasmid or PCR product with T7 promoter) was transcribed, and the mRNA was purified and translated for 30 min at 37C in the presence of 0.3 M [35S]methionine (50 Ci/ml; 1 Ci = 37 kBq) and then halted with PBST (PBS with 0.05% Tween 20); consequently, sterilized milk powder (2% final concentration) was added (20). The combination was used either directly for binding to the coated microtiter wells or 1st incubated for 1 h at 25C with antigen or control substances as rivals. Sonicated salmon sperm DNA, poly[d(GC)], poly(dT) (all from Amersham Pharmacia), tRNA (Sigma), a T4-hairpin (5-CGCGCGCGTTTTCGCGCGCG-3), and the sequence d(T4G4) inside a double-strand (5-CGCGAATCGCTTTTGGGGTACCCCAAAAGCGATTCGCG-3) (all from Microsynth; Balgach, Switzerland) were dissolved in 50 mM Tris/50 mM NaCl, pH 7.4. Triplex DNA rival poly(dT)?poly(dA)?poly(dT) was prepared while described (24). Phosphatidylcholine (100 mg/ml, Sigma) was dissolved in hexane. Rival DNA conformations Thymalfasin were confirmed by CD spectroscopy. DNA concentrations were determined by absorbance at 260 nm (observe story of Fig. ?Fig.2).2). The radioactive scFvs were allowed to bind 1 h at 25C to immobilized b-sty. After washing Thymalfasin five instances with PBS, the radioactive antibodies were eluted with 0.1 M triethylamine and quantified inside a scintillation counter. Open in a separate window Number 2 Analysis of two representative Thymalfasin scFv.